Awesome testimonial just in from Jesse Josserand. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

I’ve been with Worldprofit almost 2 years. Shortly after joining, I became a platinum member, got a wonderful website with that package, and was in business!

However,… … about 3 months into it, I got a job with a company that does online e-commerce sales of name-brand, manufactured athletic apparel (shoes, mostly – guess who). Due to the conflict of interest clause in that contract, I could not work on my Worldprofit nor any other websites involved in e-commerce, except theirs for 1.5 years while I was there. Nevertheless, when that contract ended, I just happened to check my paypal account (which I had also not been using all that time) and found I’d made over $400 DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! That’s how good Worldprofit works! Join NOW, you will not regret it! Furthermore, I will add that, while I’ve been in internet marketing since 1998, I’ve spent over $20,000 on one opportunity after another and bought two "1-on-1 Coaching/Training" packages with a couple of those opps, and it was ALL wasted money! ONLY Worldprofit offers you 24/7/365 LIVE people, provides email and support with relatively instantaneous responses, whereas most of the opps I’d previously purchased could not even be reached by such means.

Finally, Dr. Lant, the CEO of Worldprofit, gives his personal phone number and can be contacted directly, though you see him in the LBC (Live Business Center) daily throughout the day. I don’t think he ever sleeps! 🙂 I can assure you… THIS IS WHERE YOU BELONG… that is, if you’re really serious about wanting an online business of your own that actually works and makes money!

Jesse Josserand – Platinum VIP Member