Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch for 7 Aug 2015

Review of LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch Friday Aug 7, 2015.

After a few introductory remarks George dug right into the training materials.

George did a review of just a few of the servcies included in your Worldprofit Member area that can be used for ANY business you are involved, specifically:

The Bootcamp Training Lessons
The Video Library
The Message Center – vital for knowing about what is going on at Worldprofit.
The Bootcamp Newsletter

Resources to help you grow – any and all your online business(es)

-Call Loop
-Your Prospect Manager
-Who’s Logged In
-Advertising Resources
-Technical Support
-Your Ad Tracker
-Sales materials

There is so much more! It’s all in your Member area. Take some time to look around but don’t get distracted by all the resources, you still need to dig into the traiing and do your promotions. The training teaching you how and where along with advertising tools.

Worldprofit’s 21st Birthday Offers are ending soon. Watch for Special Offers in your email that can save you as much as 50% on selected services.

George made a few comments about some new services that will be coming this fall.

In concluding the training sesssion, George THANKED the Monitors for filling in the summer hours it is much appreciated!
Member of our community you should appreciate these Monitors too – they are trying to close sales for you!
All you have to do is promote.

We are looking for New Monitors to join our team! If interested submit a Support Form and we will send you details.
If you already have the info to get started there is no time like NOW. Login and ask the Monitor on Duty if you can come up for training.

Next LIVE training session is FRIDAY August 14th, 2015 at 8 AM CT.
ALL LIVE programs are RECORDED and posted within 24 hours so don’t worry if you cannot attend the LIVE session but DO watch the recording.
If you send in a Support ticket and ask why isn’t this working for me, the first thing we will ask you is why you aren’t doing the training.
If you don’t do the training how the heck do you expect to see results? The training is here, the support is here 7 days a week, please take responsibility for yourself. If you are doing the work and not getting the results you want ask for help, that’s what we are here for.

Recording of LIVE session today can be viewed here:

A few comments from participants – thank you for attending and for your feedback!

Douglas: Thanks George great stuff

Patrice: Thanks for another great session!

Vijian: thank you George

Lisa: Thank-you George and Sandi

Linda: awesome as usual..ty George

Cosmos: Thank you George. will join monitor program

Rosalie: Thanks for great training.

Pam: Thank George, great as usual

Tania: Thanks George have a great weekend

Jane: Great info

Harvey: This is my 1st live Boot camp traing. You’re awesome George!

howard: I love this place

Yours In Success,
George Kosch

George Kosch is co-founder of Worldprofit and has been in business online for over 20 years.