by Sandi Hunter
I’m sure you’ve noticed that the Internet and your email box is rife with stupendous offers, promises of instant riches and more.
As an online marketer serious about building a legitimate online business and customer base, a powerful way to set yourself apart from other “offers” is to be a real person, not an auto responding hipster of hype. As a consultant, a mentor, a sponsor, whatever you want to call yourself, you must be real, and be available.
It’s called customer relationship building – it’s vitally important and here’s why it’s good for your bottom line.
-People like do business with an individual, not an autoresponder.
-People like to do business with people they trust.
-People will buy because they feel good about buying not because they were pressured to do so.
-People continue to do business with people who don’t drop off the face of the earth when the sale is done.
Managed properly and smartly, one sale today, can mean a lifetime of sales from your customers.
Here’s how to better connect with your prospects (people) to earn and keep customers over the long term.
You know that the key to making sales is promotion but don’t let your promotions reek of mass automation without personalization.
Whenever you can, in your online marketing use a person’s name not a generic salutation.
In all of your marketing materials use your own full name and provide all the ways that your potential customers can reach you and that means email address, Skype, or even your phone number if you are comfortable with that.
Include your photo when you can on your landing pages, sales pages, website, and marketing materials. You don’t need to have movie start good looks, just be sure to use a picture that is clear where your face is visible.
If your eyes are direct and looking at the viewer that’s a definite plus. Even when doing business online we look for the eyes of the person – we can’t help ourselves it’s an animal instinct we all have. Remember you may never actually meet your customers face to face, so you’ve got to work a little harder to earn trust and that starts with making it clear you are a real and sincere person.
Don’t be afraid to connect with people on the phone. We often hear how people are so happy to talk to an actual LIVE person on the phone. We are so used to being bombarded with emails and pitches with no personal connection whatsoever. People who don’t mind being contacted by phone will provide their phone number. On your website forms, you can and should include a phone number field. If people don’t want to be called they won’t provide their phone number.
Make use of the technology available to you to reach out of customers when convenient to them in a way that is cost efficient for you both. Use Skype, webcasting, online meeting centers, record personalized video messages and more.
Understand that following up with your prospects sets you apart as someone interested in a business relationship. People don’t usually make snap decisions when it comes to parting with money online. Some people need time to think about their decision talk to a spouse, they want to read over the details and so forth. If you want to earn customers for life, respect them, earn their business, don’t hit them over the head with a hard sell. Don’t think that when a prospect tells you NO to your offer today, it doesn’t mean they won’t buy in the future if the timing, situation and offer is different.
Why talking to someone on the phone in an honest way leads to higher sales conversions.
When you talk on the phone you can gauge interest, you can rule out objections to purchase, clear up misunderstanding or miscommunication. You can make a good offer a better one if it means the sale can close sooner. Connecting on the phone means better understanding the needs of the individual, meeting those needs, and the sale can close with both parties satisfied.
ABC. Always be moving toward the close. When you allow your prospects time to review your offer, it doesn’t mean you aren’t trying to make or conclude a sale. It means, making a believable offer, answering questions, ruling out objections and moving them to where they can make the right decision – to buy.
Ever been in a store and been approached by commissioned sales people? Notice that it’s usually the most helpful person that answers your questions then asks for the sale that wins you over? The one who shows interest in your needs, provides the benefits of the item then leads you over to the cash register. Online your job is to provide the benefits of what you offer, answer questions then lead your new customer to the order form.
Realize that not everyone is in a position to buy right now. You smartly will respect that but will get the person’as contact details so you can email them future offers (with their permission of course), stay in touch, and hopefully gain their business in the near future.
ABP. Always be promoting. You can never have too many prospective customers. The more you promote, the more leads you have. Leads that are responded to quickly and efficiently can quickly become customers. Stay on top of your leads. We all want prompt responses these days.
Limit how much automation you depend on for building your business. The internet and specialized software has helped so much with business building, but in some ways it’s taken away one of the most important factors in closing sales – connecting with people. Even in a technically dependent world, nothing closes sales better than personalized professional attention.
Want to make a sale today? Pick up the phone. Want to increase your overall monthly income? Pick up the phone.
Don’t be a sales person, just be a real person. It’s so refreshing in an email driven market place.
About the Author
Sandi Hunter, is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc and the author of “Internet Marketing for Newbies: The Definitive Guide to promoting our program or services online.” Get a free copy here:
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