Your next Bootcamp Training is Friday April 1st. You won’t want to miss this week’s training session.
Friday April 1st, 2016
Time: 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.
Note: If you’re not sure what time this is in your part of the world, do a search at Google for a TIME ZONE converter.
All LIVE sessions are RECORDED as well so if you cannot attend the LIVE session you can watch later when convenient for you.
George Kosch is your personal instructor and income coach. He’s available to you every week to answer your questions, provide demonstrations and teach you what you need to do to earn consistent online income.
On training day, a few minutes before 8 am CT click this link under Bootcamp Training on the left menu and see George Kosch LIVE for the Bootcamp Training Workshop
Learn all the ways you can earn at Worldprofit – and/or how you can grow ALL your online business programs.
Bring your questions and requests for demonstrations. Bring a pen and paper and be prepared to listen and learn. Those people earning in our program, attend the training then consistently do what we teach.
It doesn’t matter if you are promoting YOUR OWN affiliate programs or biz ops – this training shows you exactly how to market and GROW ANY online business.
1. New Silver Video
George Kosch has just recorded a new Silver Membership Video for Associates. Our Monitors direct Associates who login to watch this video to get an overview of ALL that is included in the Silver membership. If they decide to upgrade from a free membership to a Silver membership you as the Sponsor receive commission. Do you see how important it is to promote consistently to generate Associates, and how very important the Monitors are in closing sales for you? This is a very powerful system, if you don’t understand this we sure hope to see you at the bootcamp training on Friday to get you on the right track.
2. March Madness offers END today.
Today, March 31st is the LAST day to upgrade your Silver Membership to Platinum VIP Membership for just $49.95 and get a whole whack of bonuses. It’s also the last day to save up to 60% by converting your monthly membership to a one year term. If interested in either offer submit a Support ticket (link is on top menu in your member area) and we will get back to you with details.
Worldprofit’s LAZY BLOGGER System – exclusively for Worldprofit Members!
This message introduces you to the LAZY BLOGGER System that is INCLUDED in both the Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.
We all know that blogging is both popular and an integral part of any online marketers strategy for building traffic and sales.
Some of you may have seen Hoote Suite that charges you a MONTHLY fee to manage your social media.
Worldprofit’s LAZY BLOGGER offers you all of this power to manage your social media and it’s INCLUDED in your Membership.
You don’t need Hoote Suite or any similar service as long as you have Worldprofit’s Lazy Blogger.
The value of blogging for the average person with modest traffic is this:
1. Adding blog content on your site on a regular basis keeps your site ALIVE and active. This attract search engines like Google and BING, who will then start visiting your site more frequently to index the new content you are adding.
2. By adding content related to a specific topic or niche, you are establishing your site as more of an authority type site that offers specific, key word, topic related to content, which also gives you an advantage when search engines index your site.
The value of blogging to make money online is this:
As you know Worldprofit provides you with a number of products and services you can promote on your blog. We teach you how to make money from MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME. Specifically, you have in your Member area, all the products in the Money Makers Kit, as well as the ClickBank Promo Kit, and of course the FastCash Products. If you are a Platinum VIP Member you also can sell all 215+ PLR Products. If you are also promoting your own products, services, or affiliate programs you can easily blog these on your site now too. What you can do with this Lazy Blogging System is unlimited and open to your imagination. You can write product reviews and include your order link, you can tie articles on specific topics into lead ins for sales of related products.
Your Lazy Blogger System becomes a powerful strategy for attracting search engines, key word traffic, and the sales of related products and services. Your content compliments your products offered for sale so you can attract a specific targeted audience.
Recognizing the value of adding content (and products for sale) to your site on a regular basis we have integrated into our Silver and Platinum VIP sites a quick and easy way for you to add content.
Remember, you can use your own content or you can use and blog the articles we also include in your Membership. At Worldprofit you are never at a loss for content you can use in your blog. See details below.
The Lazy Blogger SPEEDS up your blogging with ONE click!
Manage all your Social Media (blogs) in one place. Watch the video in your Member area mentioned below to really appreciate how big of a time saver this is and why blogging is so good for your key words, search engine indexing and lead generation.
How to access your Lazy Blogger System:
1. In your Member area under the left menu, select CONTENT MANAGEMENT. There you will see a link for LAZY BLOGGER SYSTEM, click on that.
2. Once you are in that section of your Member area, watch the BRIEF video to know and understand how the system works.
3. There you will also find details on how to access the articles, ClickBank Promo Kit products, the Monday maker Promo Kit products, and more.
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