Worldprofit Bootcamp Update: Promoting ClickBank? Read this.

Many of our Worldprofit Members are actively promoting ClickBank (CB) products.

Recognizing this, we have created for our Worldprofit Members the CB Maximizer.

The CB Maximizer was designed to offer you an automated way to sell ClickBank products

What we have done for you is create automated landing pages, here is an example:
This is a lead generating system to capture the contact information of your prospective buyer. A bonus is offered to entice the reader to enter their contact details, and allow them to optin to receive your mailings. When they optin, the person then goes on to a special autoresponder list. Every two days your prospective buyer will be sent random products from your Clickbank Promo Kit (more on the CB Promo Kit in another lesson). They can optout anytime should they choose to do so. Every 2 days, they will get a CB Product letter with your CLOAKED links. This includes a signature file from our new PROFILE area (right under your name on the top left menu) which includes your promo links. We also include a link for them to get 50,000 free visitors and much much more. That means every 2 days you are marketing EVERYTHING IN YOUR ARSENAL to hundreds of people –> EVERY TWO DAYS!! Think of the money stream this means for you.

How do you use the CB Maximizer to earn money?

Easy, you send out the letters to all of your safelists in the SAME way you send out the CB promo kit letters. Every day you market just as you would with the regular promo kit except the results change. How? You get leads on your CB Maximizer Autoresponse System!!! And, you get to see who is on and get a DAILY REPORT sent to your email of what is happending in your business.

We urge you to now watch this short screencast video that overviews the CB Maximizer so you can see how it works, and how you earn money with this software.

Video Overview of CB Maximizer:

Here’s how to access more information on the CB Maximizer:

In your Member area, on left menu, select CLICKBANK STORE, then select CLICKBANK MAXIMIZER

Note: The CB Maximizer is not included in the standard Silver or the Platinum VIP Membership. It is an optional service available for a modest fee. More info on this tool can be found in your Member area – look on the LEFT MENU – under the CLICK BANK section.

The ClickBank Maximizer is one our most popular products.