We did an informal survey among our Members and asked the following questions to get some feedback about the services offered here at Worldprofit.
These are the results summarized into point form responses for simplicity. Thank you to each of you who participated.
NOTE: If you missed the survey emailed to you and would still like to submit your comments, you are most welcome to do so. We very much enjoy hearing from our Members. Send your answers to the questions to Sandi Hunter at sandi.hunter
Survey Questions
1. What do you consider to be your TOP Reason(s) to join Worldprofit?
-Training is awesome. I like the lesson steps and the comprehensiveness of the topics covered in the bootcamp
-I like the traffic resources, the solo blaster, and the ad recommendations so I don’t get ripped off buying fake leads.
-Applicability of skills learned, software and resources to any of my online businesses.
-People don’t know who to trust, and Worldprofit has been around so long that their is trust in that fact alone.
-We are smart enough to not buy into the hype that other companies shove down our throats with sports cars and supermodels. We just want to know what we need to do to make money online honestly and without getting burned.
– I gotta sense of professionalism from day one with Worldprofit, not the used car salesman feel I get from other fly by night get rich doing nothing kinds of companies.
-I know there is money to be made online but I need to be pointed in the right direction, that’s what I get here.
2. Name the tools you use MOST of all those available to you in your Member area?
Ad Tracker
Prospect Manager
The Top Recommended Ad Sources
PLR Store
Live Business Center
CB Maximizer
Graphics Software
Universal Bonus Builder
Lazy Blogger
Magic List Builder
Landing page builder
Who’s logged in
Link Manager
Ebook Creator
My Traffic Injections each month
3. What is the reason(s) you continue your Membership with Worldprofit?
-Instead of buying products and software from different places, I get it all in one spot at Worldprofit.
-Receive more value than what I pay each month. I wish more people understood this or took the time to figure it out. Took me a bit but now I totally get it.
-I get technical support and training 7 days a week. Too many times I buy something than can’t get any help.
-Monitors helping to close my sales referrals.
-I’ve learned more in 2 weeks at Worldprofit than I did in over 5 years of attending various money making conferences and seminars. I kept looking for the perfect program and finally found it at Worldprofit. Sure wish I found them first would have saved me a lot of money and frustrating times.
-Reputation. I am not sold something than the company disappears.
-More than one source of income. I am not limited to promoting just one program. Lots of choices, or blend with mine
-I use the resources in my membership as I am a Consultant and Coach for people doing business online – use for offers, incentives deal closers.
-It’s not the same old same old, George Kosch is always coming up with new ways to help us make money, understand how to build an internet marketing business, and save us time with his improvements, gizmos and gadgets.
-I stay for George Kosch, I like his straight forward training style, and respect his military background, work ethic and integrity. I learn something new from him every week and I have gone from losing money online to making money online – finally.
– I feel that the people here want me to succeed, when I get down, I login and my friends are here. We have the same goals, we help each other. Dr. Lant prods me to dig in and George coaches me. The weekly training keeps my eye on the prize.
4. Why do you think Worldprofit continues to be the # 1 popular choice for online business training?
-Many people or companies sell something then provide no help in using it. Here today and gone tomorrow.
-People learn in different ways, the combination of both video and live training allows me to go at my own pace.
-Reputation. The people running Worldprofit are honest, professional, helpful and available every day.
-Worldprofit is a community of people learning how to improve their lives by earning extra money online, they’re not a biz op in the way than many people think of a biz op.
-Dr. Lant is a marketing expert, his bark his harsh but his advise is brilliant for those of us who listen to get the success we want.
-Worldprofit is always a head of everyone else, they keep growing, and building the company bettering the services for all of us.
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NOTE: If you did not get the survey and would still like to submit your comments, you are most welcome to do so. We very much enjoy hearing from our Members. Send your answers to the 4 questions above to Sandi Hunter at sandi.hunter