Worldprofit Bootcamp Update: WOW! Looks who’s moving and groovin’

It’s only the 2nd day of April and look at these go-getters on the TOP 10 Sellers List!

That means money in your pocket and a great start to your month.

Well done!

1. Linda Elze
2. Garrett L Hutsko
4. Leo Watson
5. Pam Sudo
6. Patrice Porter
7. Peter Junker
8. Rosalie Jarotski
9. Stan Fuller
10. Wallace Johnson

The key to making money?

Consistent Promotion.

When’s the best time to promote?


What do you promote?

It’s all in the bootcamp training. Landing pages, ad resources, recommended sites.

If you haven’t started the training yet, PLEASE do so today.

In your member area on TOP MENU select Training.
Progress through the lessons so you know how to get maximum value from your membership and start making money – today.

We want to see YOUR NAME on the Top Sellers list. Do the work see the results.


Looking for leads and traffic but short on time for doing your promotions?

Take advantage of our Fast Track Visitors Program – it’s an advertising co-op.

We are seeing a high conversion of leads that come in from this ad co-op.

FastTrack is popular with those with limited time for promotion, aren’t sure where and how to advertise, and trust George Kosch to post the paid ads in tested places.

100% of the funds from this ad co-op go directly into our paid ad campaign.

Let George Kosch buy the advertising and deliver the leads generated direct to you!

Here’s the cost and how to get in on the Fast Track Visitors ad co-op.

Order 8,000 FastTrack Visitors and get:
Cost: 89.95 US (*****Absolute Best value!)


Order 4,000 FastTrack Visitors and get:
Cost: $49.95 US

–> To order, login to your member area, from left menu select, ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC then click on FAST TRACK VISITORS.
There, you can read more about how and where these Associate leads are generated and why they are so valuable, then place your order.