Worldprofit News: Welcome to our newest Silver Member, daniel parsons

Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member, daniel parsons.

daniel, welcome to our home business training program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!

The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Howard Martell. Great work!

Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Profits

Tips for Getting the FASTEST and Most Efficient Tech Support Here’s how YOU can help our Support Team help YOU!

Please read this so you get the FASTEST most efficient Tech and Accounts Support possible.
Below are the DO’s and DON’TS that help us provide YOU with the most efficient and timely service.

DO provide very clear details about your problem. Take the time to submit a well organized, error-free message detailing the problem or question. If relevant provide a web address, product or service name.
If an error message was generated tell us your action, the EXACT URL where you encountered the error, and copy and paste any error message into the Support form.

DO allow 48 hours for a response for non-urgent issues.

DO be nice!

DO be patient!

DO close the ticket if you solve the problem yourself, or our response solves the problem.

DO NOT submit more than one ticket on the SAME ISSUE.

DO NOT expect us to guess at what you are asking. We haven’t yet mastered the skill of Mind-Reading so PLEASE provide specific and clear details.

DO NOT expect support from Worldprofit for products or software that Worldprofit did not create. Contact the Vendor for Support.

DO NOT send an email to George Kosch or the company directly, use only the Support Form located in your Member area to get assistance.

DO know that we very much want to help you. That’s what we are here for. When you provide clear details you will get more precise and helpful Support Responses.

Important Notes:

-Issues that are deemed URGENT by our Tech Team, are flagged and responded to with FIRST PRIORITY.
-Issues that are BRIEF, organized and well written with specific details get FIRST ATTENTION.
-Issues submitted that are unclear, ramble on, and provide no understandable specifics are given LAST PRIORITY and sent back to you for more information.
-Issues containing profanity are deleted completely and the customer account subject to suspension. We have a strict zero tolerance policy for abuse.
-If after we have responded, you do not reply with in a reasonable amount of time we will close the ticket. You can reopen it if you like at any time.
-Worldprofit Support services are available only in English.

Thank you from the Worldprofit Support Team.