Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member, Janice Campbell.
Janice, welcome to our home business training program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Wallace Johnson MBA. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Profits
Critical Mistakes Newbies make that DOOM their success
Every day we have the pleasure of welcoming new Members to our program. People arrive with different levels of skills and experience.
In nearly 20 years of business, we have answered THOUSANDS of Support tickets from our Members. We watch some people succeed while others do not. Some get this business right away, others take longer. We feel our job in this training is to get you on the right path early and keep you there. We want you to be Members for life, not for 30 days. Our goal is to help you make money online and guide you to the tasks that will put you on the road to profit.
This lesson introduces you to the most common mistakes new people make that contribute to their lack of success.
You may with print this lesson and post it near your computer. It’s very easy to get distracted and lose focus, hopefully having this information at your finger tips will put you on the path to being one of our Top Sellers.
Common Mistakes made by New Members
1. Never starting the online training levels and never attending a LIVE Bootcamp Training Session.
We have 8 basic lessons to get you on track and 50+ more with advanced learning topics. The focus of each and every one of these lessons is to help YOU learn what to do to make money online. To add to your learning opportunities, each week George Kosch provides LIVE training for nearly two hours. This live training allows you to ask questions, watch on screen as George shows the exact steps you need to generate leads, build traffic and make money. We record this training so it can be watched when convenient for our Members, or re-watched for review purposes. The Top Sellers in Worldprofit attend the training, if YOU want to be a top seller you must attend the training – then DO what it taught.
-To see the Summary of ALL the lessons in the Bootcamp Training, on left menu select HOME BUSINESS BOOTCAMP then select BOOTCAMP LEVEL SUMMARY.
-To know the date and time of the next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training, check the MESSAGE BOARD when you login, you will see this at the top of the page,
2. Fiddling with their site to make it "prettier and perfect".
All Silver and Platinum VIP Members get a website included in the Membership. The site we provide is designed specifically to generate leads and is fine just as it is. Yes, you do have the ability to change it, add code, affiliate programs, etc but don’t spend a huge amount of time on this. You came into our program to make money. Please understand that it’s the TOOLS, RESOURCES and ADVERTISING included in your Member area that is going to generate your traffic and your earnings. For those of you who are taking the TRAINING mentioned in Mistake # 1 you should now understand this. When you first join Worldprofit, leave your site as it is for now. Make some money using the resources we offer and when you are a more experienced marketer THEN start modifying your site.
3. Promoting your website and NOT the Landing Pages.
If you have been following the training you would understand why you should NOT be promoting your website and SHOULD BE promoting the Landing Pages. You would know how to find the Landing Pages and you would know where to promote them. If this is a surprise to you do this.
In your Member area, on the top menu, select TRAINING, then watch the very first video posted there. It says: "BOOTCAMP MUST WATCH VIDEO FOR BEGINNERS." Landing Pages have ONE purpose: to get you Associates and build your mailing list. George explains this along with where to promote these Landing Pages so you get Associate sign ups and this leads to sales!
4. Not understanding how the Worldprofit System works.
OK, I know I sound like a broken record here, but this is so very important. If you have been doing the Bootcamp Training Lessons you should understand how our system works. Here’s a summary in it’s most basic form.
As a Member, you use the tools and resources we provide to sign up free Associate Members into the Worldprofit Program. It does not cost anything to be a Worldprofit Associate. When those Associates login they are greeted by our Monitors. The Monitors assist the Associates to watch a video overview of our program, then make them an offer to encourage them to upgrade from a free Associate Membership to a paid Silver Membership. If YOU referred that Associate and they pay to upgrade YOU get the commission. Are you starting to see how important YOUR promotion efforts are, and how very important the Monitors are to you? DRIVE traffic – and let the system work for you. Of course our system offers you much more than this including other sources of income but this is the basic process that you need to understand when you are first getting started.
5. Not doing the Promotion.
So you have watched the Basic Training video right? You have attended or watched a recording of George Kosch’s bootcamp training. What does George say over and over and over again? You MUST promote consistently to see results. We provide you with the tools to promote, the places to promote and a way to track your promotion. To see results you MUST promote consistently to trusted sites. In your Member area under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC section on the left menu you will find the Landing Pages, the Safelists, The Exchanges, and the Ad Tracker. We have lessons on each of these topics as well to assist with your understanding. For people new to doing business online you are sometimes amazed at how much promotion you must do to get results. This is a reality of ANY business, you must constantly promote to reputable places to get traffic and see sales. The good news is that you are not on your own. We provide you with a list of recommended places, advertising aids, and stats trackers to monitor your results. The rest is up to you, it’s your job to do the promotion, every day if possible. Your sales success is 100% dependent on your promotional efforts.
6. Not asking for help when you need it.
I just want to scream when a new Member says after a week in our program, "I want to quit, I am not getting any help." Worldprofit’s Support Team is here to help YOU, 7 days a week, 365 Days a Year. We have a 24 hour Member access filled with videos, screen captures and step-by-step instructions. We have a LIVE weekly training session every week free to all Silver and Platinum VIP Members. We have a 24 hour Monitor Network, real people ready ALL the time to help close your sales. Sandi Hunter, George Kosch, Dr. Jeffrey Lant work alongside you every day to help you build your business. Take responsibility for yourself. If you need help, submit a Support Form. We want to help you succeed and are happy to provide assistance. Your Membership includes all kinds of support and training so take advantage of this.