Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member, Jerome Bayliss.
Jerome, welcome to our home business training program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Tania Vick. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Profits
The Article Ebook Creator. What you need to know so you can benefit from this free tool.
As you know, Worldprofit provides hundreds and hundreds of articles you can use to create your own Ebooks. These articles are free for all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members to use, and we have made it easy for you to further benefit from these articles by creating your own ebooks.
This free tool is called the ARTICLE EBOOK CREATOR.
The tool allows you to pick and choose the colours for your ebook, the font, the title, the articles to include, a pre-face or introduction. Once you’ve finished your selections, save your ebook and you are done. The ebook is saved as a PDF document so it can easily be read online or downloaded.
You can make one ebook, or you can make many ebooks, there is no limit on how many ebooks you can create.
You can create a themed ebook with articles on a specific topic – be creative!
You can post your ebook at document and file sharing sites, or ebook directories.
The benefit of ebooks is to get backlinks to your site and this helps increase your website ranking. It’s simple and yet a powerful way to generate leads and backlinks.
To access the Article Ebook Creator, look on the LEFT menu under ARTICLE MARKETING DIRECTORY, the click on ARTICLE EBOOK CREATOR.
For more info on the Article Ebook Creator, refer to Lesson 54 in the online home business bootcamp training.