You’re doing it all RIGHT, says Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch to a new Worldprofit Silver Member

George Kosch Worldprofit's Home Business Bootcamp Instructor

George Kosch Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Instructor

All day, every day we receive Support Ticket (Help) requests from Worldprofit Members around the world.

Today we received a Support Ticket from a new Silver Member who just started 2 weeks ago.
She told us she is new to online marketing but is very serious about building her online business and wanted to know if what she was doing was on the right track.

This is what she told us she’s been doing since becoming a Worldprofit Silver Member.

She’s watched the TWO videos for BEGINNERS posted in the TRAINING section of the Member area

She’s focused on following the steps of the online bootcamp training.
She’s made it to LESSON 15 already and made her FIRST SALE!

She’s joined 5 salelists using her 2 GMAIL accounts as per George Kosch’s training.

She’s posting the Landing Pages (ad examples) to those Safelists as often as she can.
Next week she plans to increase the number of Safelists and her promotion now that she understands how it works.

She checks her Ad Tracker every few days to see the results of her promotion.
She’s learned from the training to set a goal of 200 clicks (minimum) per day.

She’s set a goal to sign up at least ONE Associate (lead) every day.

She attends either the LIVE Friday training Friday mornings, or watches the recorded version.
She takes notes during the training and has a notebook where she records her user names and passwords.

When she has a question or needs help she submits a Support ticket.

After reviewing her actions….George Kosch told her..

“You’re doing it all RIGHT. Keep up the consistent effort, more sales will come!”

The key to YOU earning online is…. (and this applies to ALL MEMBERS)

1. Generate leads (Associates) consistently (The bootcamp teaches you this)
2. Build one’s own email marketing list while doing so. (The bootcamp teaches you this)
3. Have access to lots of products and services to promote. (The bootcamp teaches you this)
4. Stay focused. Set realistic goals. Be patient. (This one is 100% up to you!)


Next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch is Friday Feb 28th, 2014 at 8 AM CT.
All sessions are also recorded for the convenience of our Worldprofit Members.

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